Upcoming Events
Trainings in 2025
On the 1st Friday of the month, there will be a 2-hour virtual training event from 1-3pm at You Rule Therapy! The first training offered will be in the beginning of March.
The first hour is didactic and the second hour is for case consultation. The events are a nominal fee of $25 to cover the CEs. 2 CEs will be given for LMFTs, LPCs, LCSWs. (Psychologists will need to check with their board.)

Expressive Arts CE event!
Are you looking to integrate Expressive Arts into your clinical practice or a therapist working with adults who use substances?
In this free two hour virtual CEU workshop you will gain a basic understanding of materials and modalities used in expressive arts therapy and explore ways to blend it with a variety of clinical theories.
Our topics will include a clinical perspective on materials, assessment strategies for appropriate pairing of materials/activities with client clinical issues, reducing barriers to engagement and exploring integrative question that process the expressive arts experience relevant to the client’s goals and daily living. We will explore these topics through lecture, discussion and experiential exercises.
No previous experience with expressive arts or art in general is needed!!
We recommend trying expressive arts activities yourself before using with clients, so please have these materials to hand for our experiential exercises:
Marker (any kind, including sharpies)
Unlined paper 8 ½ x 11 or ideally, 11 x14 or larger; 3 sheet
Aluminum foilMore info to follow…
This workshop is presented by You Rule Therapy and:
Wendy Marlatt, LMFT
Cynthia Hoffman, LMFT, CST
Contact us today to reserve your spot!
Free, virtual, CE Event on Working with People with Compulsive Sexual Behavior
Free Virtual CE Event Friday, August 16th 1-3pm
Hare Reduction therapy for Compulsive Sexual Behavior
What is OCSB for men (all who identify as men welcome) ?
(Out of Control <as defined by the client> Sexual Behavior)
Presenters: Cynthia Hoffman, LMFT, CST and Ryan Dooley, AMFT
We will introduce the Sexual Health Principles of :
protection, from STI’s and unintended pregnancy
Honesty and self-honesty
Shared Values
Mutual Pleasure
We’ll discuss how to use them in your work with those who identify as men who have concerns about hook-ups, looking at sexual imagery (porn) and any other sexual behavior that feels compulsive.
Here is some information by the Harvey Institute who wrote:
What Is Sexual Health? The Harvey Institute promotes sexual health as an integral component of health and well-being that requires a respectful and positive approach to sexual behavior and sexual pleasure. Sexual health balances sexual rights such as safety, consent, non-coercion, non-discrimination with congruence between individual and societal sexual values, behavior and desires regarding sex with oneself and with others.
Out of Control Sexual Behavior (OCSB): According to Vigorito and Braun-Harvey: OCSB is a way to describe a sexual concern of those who identify as men who have consensual sexual urges, thoughts or behaviors that feel out of control for them. OCSB focuses on helping those participants organize their sexual health concerns by using the Principles of Sexual Health. In this way, the group helps the participant organize their sexual health concerns by using these Principles of Sexual Health and focus change in the direction of each participant's sexual health goals.
The first hour will be focussed on the sexual health principles and how to use them. The second hour is available for consultation so please bring your cases!
After this event, you will be able to:
Identify and discuss the 6 sexual health principles and how to use them in your work.
Learn the co-occurring disorders that can accompany compulsive sexual behavior
Identify your own countertransference when working with people with compulsive sexual behavior and learn to manage it.
CE’s provided by Cynthia Hoffman. LMFT, CST , CAMFT CE provider #75786
We are excited to bring this training to you to help you in your work with clients and to get to know you!
Contact us today at cynthia@youruletherapy.com or text at 415-987-5578 to save your spot in this training.
Incorporating Harm Reduction Therapy into your practice
2024 CE Training opportunities for Harm Reduction Therapy !
Incorporating Harm Reduction into your private practice
Friday, January 19th, 2024
9:00am to 4:30pm
At the Alliance Health Project (venue change) in San Francisco’s Mission/Castro district
If you are a provider in private practice or working with people who use drugs, join us for this in-person training with Harm Reduction Therapy experts Cynthia Hoffman, LMFT. CST and Claudia Figallo, MPH, LAADC
According to SAMHSA, over 45 million people 12 and over meet DSM-5 criteria for a Substance Use Disorder diagnosis. In 2021, 94% of people meeting criteria did not receive any treatment. Stigma and lack of training are the main reasons why individuals do not access treatment. SAMHSA
We believe that increasing knowledge of effective harm reduction interventions within the therapy community will bring sustainable support and relief to those struggling with substance use concerns.
This CAMFT approved CE seminar will cover:
The history of Harm Reduction (HR) and HR Psychotherapy
The principles of HR and how therapists and counselors can work from a HR lens
Relationship building with people who use substances
Substance use assessment tools
Engagement, exploring ambivalence and goal setting
Supporting the client and array of coping strategies including CBT, DBT and mindfulness
Identifying and working with countertransference that arises when working with people who use substances
A reading list will be provided before the training to allow participants to familiarize themselves with basic Harm Reduction and Harm Reduction Therapy concepts
This is an interactive training and participants will also have opportunities for case consultation.
Continuing Education Information
6 CE units may be credited for licensed mental health professionals, such as LCSWs, LPCC, and LMFTs. CE credit will only be awarded for full attendance.
$350 Licensed clinicians and counselors
$250 Associates and students
Contact us at youruletrainingandconsultation@gmail.com
Handouts and payments will be processed via Cynthia’s Simple Practice portal.
Participant quotes from previous trainings:
Both instructors were knowledgeable and friendly.- Training Participant
Fabulous! - Training Participant
Loved it. Lively, solid, fun and funny at times. A great intro! - Training Participant
Please contact Cynthia at 415-987-5578 / cynthia@youruletherapy.com or
Claudia at claudia.mph@gmail.com / 415-993-9011 if you have any questions.
Cynthia Hoffman, LMFT, CST is a psychotherapist in private practice. She is a Harm Reduction Specialist and Sex Therapist. She has been practicing and teaching Harm Reduction Psychotherapy for over 21 years in both private practice and agency settings. She is also adjunct faculty at the Wright Institute teaching about Substance Use Disorders, Compulsive Sexual Behaviors and Sexual Health and Development. CE CAMFT Provider #75786
Claudia Figallo, MPH, LAADC-S has been providing Harm Reduction counseling to individuals with co-occurring disorders and the LGBTQ community for over 20 years. She has worked at UCSF-Alliance Health Project and is currently the Manager of Substance Health Equity at Stonewall Project. Claudia provides trainings and consultation to various agencies around the Bay Area and teaches at City College San Francisco.
New Training and Consultation Group for Clinicians starts January 10th, 2023! CEU’s available
Contact You Rule at youruletrainingandconsultation@gmail.com
Part 2: Using Motivational Interviewing in Private Practice
2021 CE Training opportunities for Harm Reduction Therapy !
Virtual Live training with Harm Reduction Therapy experts
Cynthia Hoffman, LMFT and Claudia Figallo, MPH, LAADC
Motivational Interviewing in Therapy and Counseling
MI Part 1: Saturday,December 4, 2021 and
MI Part 2: December 11, 2021
9:00am to 12:15p
This workshop provides an introduction to the use of Motivational interviewing (MI) in the psychotherapeutic treatment of clients facing concerns around their alcohol and other drug use. Many individuals who drink or use drugs can do so responsibly and with minimal impact to their lives and their environment. Using MI helps therapists work with clients to explore ambivalence, and build awareness of their relationship to alcohol and other drugs. MI will supports clients’ self-efficacy and self-trust thereby building capacity for sustainable change.
In this workshop, we will review the spirit and principles of MI as well practice relevant skills such as utilizing Open Ended Questions, Affirmations, Reflection and Summaries (OARS) as part of a session.
Assessment skills such as the decisional balance and motivation scales will also be discussed.
Participants will work in dyads and practice OARS with one another. We will, as a group, have time for questions and concerns one might have when adding these new skills to their practice.
Participants will be able to:
Define and explain Motivational Interviewing (MI) and how it can be utilized with clients contemplating change.
Explain the Stages of Change and how they relate to understanding and supporting clients.
Identify all MI principles and goals of MI.
Explain and practice OARS (Open-Ended Questions, Affirmations, Reflections and Summaries).
Gain practice in MI skills and tools through various exercises.
Continuing Education Information
6 CE units for licensed mental health professionals, such as LCSWs, LPCC, and LMFTs.
CE credit will only be awarded for full attendance.
Contact youruletrainingandconsultation@gmail.com and indicate which training you'll be attending:
Harm Reduction Therapy/ Parts 1 and 2 / $300 / 6 CE’s
Motivational Interviewing/ Parts 1 and 2 /$300 / 6 CE’s
Both: $500.
Handouts and payments will be processed via Cynthia’s Simple Practice portal.
Please contact Cynthia at 415-987-5578 / cynthiahoffmanmft@gmail.com or Claudia at claudia.mph@gmail.com / 415-993-9011 if you have any questions!
Part 1: Incorporating Harm Reduction Therapy Into Therapy and Counseling
2021 CE Training opportunities for Harm Reduction Therapy !
Virtual Live training with Harm Reduction Therapy experts
Cynthia Hoffman, LMFT and Claudia Figallo, MPH, LAADC
Incorporating Harm Reduction into Therapy and Counseling
Part 1: Saturday, November 6, 2021 and
Part 2: Saturday, November 13, 2021
9:00am to 12:15pm
Cost for the Harm Reduction Therapy trainings Parts 1 and 2 is $300 if taken on it's own
It’s $250 if taken with the Motivational InterviewingTraining which is also $250
This CAMFT approved CE seminar will cover:
The history of Harm Reduction (HR) and HR Psychotherapy
The principles of HR and how therapists and counselors can work from a HR perspective
Relationship building with people who use substances
Substance use assessment
Goal setting
Exploration of the meaning of the use, the drug itself
Teaching client coping strategies including CBT, DBT and mindfulness
Identifying and working with countertransference that arises when working with people who use substances
A reading list will be provided before the training to allow participants to familiarize themselves with basic Harm Reduction and Harm Reduction Therapy concepts
This is an interactive training and participants will also participate in experiential work each session.
Continuing Education Information
CE units may credited for licensed mental health professionals, such as LCSWs, LPCC, and LMFTs. CE credit will only be awarded for full attendance. 6 CE’s for the Harm Reduction Therapy Training and 6 CE’s for the Motivational interviewing training.
Contact us at youruletrainingandconsultation@gmail.com and indicate which training you'll be attending:
Harm Reduction Therapy, parts 1 and 2, $300 This Training
Motivational Interviewing, parts 1 and 2 , $300 This Training
Both: $500.
Handouts and payments will be processed via Cynthia’s Simple Practice portal.
Please contact Cynthia at 415-987-5578 / cynthiahoffmanmft@gmail.com or Claudia at claudia.mph@gmail.com / 415-993-9011 if you have any questions!
Part 2 of 2 part training : Incorporating Harm Reduction Into Therapy and Counseling
2021 CE Training opportunities for Harm Reduction Therapy !
Incorporating Harm Reduction into Therapy and Counseling
April 3, 2021 Part 2
Saturday, March 27, 2021 for part 1 and April 3, 2021 part 2
9:00am to 12:15pm
Cost for the Harm Reduction Therapy trainings Parts 1 &2 is $300 if taken on it's own
(and $250 for parts 1 and 2 if taken with the Motivational InterviewingTraining which is also $250)
This CAMFT approved CE seminar will cover:
The history of Harm Reduction (HR) and HR Psychotherapy
The principles of HR and how therapists and counselors can work from a HR perspective
Relationship building with people who use substances
Substance use assessment
Goal setting
Exploration of the meaning of the use, the drug itself
Teaching client coping strategies including CBT, DBT and mindfulness
Identifying and working with countertransference that arises when working with people who use substances
A reading list will be provided before the training to allow participants to familiarize themselves with basic Harm Reduction and Harm Reduction Therapy concepts
This is an interactive training and participants will also participate in experiential work each session.
Continuing Education Information
CE units may credited for licensed mental health professionals, such as LCSWs, LPCC, and LMFTs. CE credit will only be awarded for full attendance.
Please email Cynthia or Claudia and indicate which training you'll be attending:
Harm Reduction Therapy, parts 1 and 2, $300 This Training
Motivational Interviewing, parts 1 and 2 , $300 This Training
Both: $500.
Handouts and payments will be processed via Cynthia’s Simple Practice portal.
Please contact Cynthia at 415-987-5578 / cynthiahoffmanmft@gmail.com or Claudia at claudia.mph@gmail.com / 415-993-9011 if you have any questions!
Part 1 of 2 part Training: Incorporating Harm Reduction Into Therapy and Counseling
2021 CE Training opportunities for Harm Reduction Therapy !
Incorporating Harm Reduction into Therapy and Counseling
March 27, 2021 Part 1
Saturday, March 27, 2021 for part 1 and April 3, 2021 for part 2
9:00am to 12:15pm
Cost is $300 if taken on it's own (and $250 if taken with the MI Training!)
This CAMFT approved CE seminar will cover:
The history of Harm Reduction (HR) and HR Psychotherapy
The principles of HR and how therapists and counselors can work from a HR perspective
Relationship building with people who use substances
Substance use assessment
Goal setting
Exploration of the meaning of the use, the drug itself
Teaching client coping strategies including CBT, DBT and mindfulness
Identifying and working with countertransference that arises when working with people who use substances
A reading list will be provided before the training to allow participants to familiarize themselves with basic Harm Reduction and Harm Reduction Therapy concepts
This is an interactive training and participants will also participate in experiential work each session.
Continuing Education Information
CE units may credited for licensed mental health professionals, such as LCSWs, LPCC, and LMFTs. CE credit will only be awarded for full attendance.
Please email Cynthia or Claudia and indicate which training you'll be attending:
Harm Reduction Therapy $300 : 2 part training
Motivational Interviewing $300 : 2 part training
Both: $500.
Handouts and payments will be processed via Cynthia’s Simple Practice portal.
Please contact Cynthia at 415-987-5578 / cynthiahoffmanmft@gmail.com or Claudia at claudia.mph@gmail.com / 415-993-9011 if you have any questions!