We All Use Something is an episode about the what, when, where, and why of our substance use and a revolutionary approach to substance abuse treatment called Harm Reduction Therapy. Most of us use something - be it drugs/alcohol, food, exercise, gambling, Facebook - to try to cope with difficult feelings. Maybe we want to feel less of something or more of something else. So how can we help ourselves manage our coping strategy so it doesn't lead to bigger problems than the ones we were trying to solve in the first place. Let's put morality and labels like "addict" aside and explore our use from a curious and compassionate lens. A lens that says, "you are the expert of your life." Joining me is Harm Reduction expert Cynthia Hoffman, a licensed Marriage and Family Therapist in San Francisco. Credits Produced by: Lily Sloane Theme Song by: Topher M. Lewis "60 Days", "All the Songs", & "Every Rise" by: Joel St. Julien from the EP Every Rise "Feelings" by: Nina Pine and Lily Sloane Clip from Dr. Phil show and "Friends" Theme Song used under Fair Use Act.